Register for Summer Programs

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Teen Musical Theatre 12-17 years (Mon 5:45pm-7:00pm)

Singing, dancing and acting all at the same time! Students will train through all of the performing arts and will showcase a variety of songs, scenes and dances from both the contemporary and traditional musical theatre repertoire. Classes are for the versatile student who wants to further their education across all disciplines. From movement style and choreography, to song preparation, script analysis and character development, this course has it all.

Instructor: Elizabeth Gomez

Registration is closed for this program


Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - positions are going quickly
Register now - positions are going quickly
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Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list

* 10 monthly payments and more payment options available

The amount shown here reflects the pricing with our 10 monthly payment option. When adding these programs to the cart the full price is added, and when paying you can sign up for a payment plan of your choosing.

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