Register for Summer Programs

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Teen Lyrical 12-17 years (Mon 7:15pm-8:00pm)

This discipline takes the knowledge of technical steps and helps transform the movements into a story. Students will explore different styles of music and lyrics to add an extra layer of emotion and performance to their dance routine. Standard musicality is challenged and dancers are given the opportunity to express themselves through improvisation.

Instructor: Melinda Garvie

Registration is closed for this program


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Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - positions are going quickly
Register now - positions are going quickly
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Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list

* 10 monthly payments and more payment options available

The amount shown here reflects the pricing with our 10 monthly payment option. When adding these programs to the cart the full price is added, and when paying you can sign up for a payment plan of your choosing.

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