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Sherri Chaffey

Sherri Chaffey

Dance Instructor

I received my first training from Eileen & Barbara Dodds , Sherwood Park School Of Dancing In Alberta, who was founder of The Alberta Dance Festival, until the age of 16 when I moved to Ontario. I trained and taught at a variety of studios for a few years, then auditioned & attended Ryerson University Dance Program In Toronto For Professional Dance Teacher Training, with some of my teachers being Nadia Potts, National Ballet Prima , Audrey Looker , Duel examiner RAD, Stelio Caligias, Metro Movement, Vicky St Denys Ryerson Dance Director… and of course many more…

As a teacher I have had great success with examination results, received numerous awards for choreography, & my dance students have also won awards, overalls, and scholarships from all over Canada & The States … They are employable both in the dance world, Broadway, cruise lines, dance company founders, university dance degrees in dance, and so much more throughout my career, due to the training but also the expectation and morality I expect in the dance studio. I am so proud to know my dancer’s have also found through dance, a genres of jobs, university and college acceptance, scholarships and training. I am proud that I have had a small part to play in their lives, that makes me feel lucky to have shared this time and expertise with them, both by physical with hard work but also through the morals, ethics, and expectation I have shown them in the dance studio over the past 25 years I have been teaching dance.

I am a Registered Teacher With The Royal Academy Of Dance, RAD ( AdvT Dip) with an Advanced Teaching Certificate, with psychology, anatomy. and history of dance training. I have also been certified by Canadian Dance Teacher’s Association (CDTA) Tap Jazz Acrobatics & Dance Master’s Of America (DMA )Tap & Jazz!

With this I also have taught & trained all styles tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, hip hop , acrobatics and training with gymnastics clubs, choreography, and skating clubs all over Ontario, as I also was a competitive skater & gymnast growing up. I am very experienced with every type of dancer’s abilities, strong attributes and finding strengths we can build on, also finding what makes your personality work to benefit your improvement byworking to find the goals you strive for individually through caring and understanding.

I love working extremely hard at building details, discipline, and character into each and every child that walks into my class… I am very technique orientated, positivity disciplined, and a performance building dance teacher with expectation of your training in mind. I would love to see how I can bring those attributes to your child each and every day ! Looking forward to bringing the passion into your dance.

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Sherri Chaffey

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