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Kelly Phanthasomchit

Kelly Phanthasomchit

Acrobatic Arts, Alixa Flexibility, YPAD Certified

Kelly Phanthasomchit started training at the age of 9 and was quickly scouted as a member of a successful competitive dance and figure skating team.

A former gymnastics coach, Ms. Kelly has also become fully certified in the Acrobatic Arts and Alixa Flexibility programs. She has choreographed dance pieces that have won numerous judges choice awards and first place overalls at many dance competitions. Along with teaching, Ms. Kelly is very involved in the Toronto commercial dance industry and has worked at multiple professional dance competitions such as Luv2Dance, the Ultimate Dance Connection, Dare2Dance and more. She is a member of the Youth Protection Advocates in Dance and cares with her whole heart about the students she teaches. Ms. Kelly's passion in life is dance and with her experience, contagious smile and winning personality she is able to create a fun and creative atmosphere for all.

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Kelly Phanthasomchit

Program Registration


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